Ligers and Tigons
Cross between a tiger and a lion
Tigons are much rarer than ligers. Firstly, because male tigers and female lions aren’t good at recognizing the other species’ mating signals And secondly, because their genetic material doesn’t match as well. While ligers are often much bigger than their parents, tigons are usually smaller.
Li-Ligers and Ti-Tigons
Female ligers can be fertile (but male ligers can’t), so there is another cross: a female liger and a male lion can make a li-liger. The offspring of a female tigon and a male tiger is a ti-tigon. However, these animals suffer from health problems so crosses with different species are often banned.
- Table of Contents:
- 0. Introduction
- 1. Where do ligers and tigons come from?
- 2. Liger
- 3. Tigon
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