How Animals Show Their Affection For Each Other
Prairie Dogs Sniff Each Other's Scent
Doesn’t that look cute? When prairie dogs meet, they “kiss”! They put their noses together, which looks like an intimate kiss from afar. They use their keen noses to smell the scent of the other prairie dog and can smell if they’re related. If they are, they often stay near to each other and look for food together. If they’re not related, they might even end up fighting.
- Table of Contents:
- 0. Introduction
- 1. Sea otters
- 2. Elephants
- 3. Orangutans
- 4. Chipmunks
- 5. Horses
- 6. Kangaroos
- 7. Prairie Dogs
- 8. Cats
- 9. Birds
- 10. Fish (?)