Top 15 Weirdest Insects and Spiders in the World
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Puss Moth
- Scientific name: Cerura vinula
- Habitat: Europe, China
It’s Caterpie!
This moth’s larvae look a lot like the Pokemon Caterpie, right? Neither the Pokemon nor the caterpillar have any special attacks ;) But: this caterpillar has a unique way to defend itself. When it feels threatened, it pulls its head into its body and presents the attacker with its red “mouth” and two “eyes”. It looks like a face with an open mouth. Well, whatever works ...
- Table of Contents:
- 0. Introduction
- 1. Peacock Spider
- 2. Puss Moth
- 3. Planthopper
- 4. Giant Silk Moth
- 5. Bush Cricket
- 6. Rainbow Scarab Beetle
- 7. Feather Horned Beetle
- 8. Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
- 9. Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar
- 10. Scorpion Fly
- 11. Elephant Hawk-Moth Caterpillar
- 12. Giraffe Weevil
- 13. Cionus Hortulanus Weevil
- 14. Flannel Moth
- 15. Treehopper