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Here, you find everything you want to know about thoroughbred horses!

Here you find fascinating information on thoroughbreds, their character, history and different breeds.

What Are Thoroughbreds?

Thoroughbreds are extremely fast and slim race horses. They are among the most expensive horse breeds and known for their hot temper and their crazy speed when galloping along the race track with their jockey on their back. Only horses that descend from thoroughbred Arabians, the English thoroughbred or the Anglo-Arab and have not been crossbred with other breeds are true thoroughbreds.


Thoroughbreds have a hot temper. Some characterize the animals as nervous and fiery, others as fierce. In any case, the horses are very sensitive. Inexperienced riders should rather choose a warmblood.


Photo: Andrzej Kubik/Shutterstock

The World’s Fastest Horses

According to the Guinness Book of World Records (2008), the English thoroughbred Winning Brew is the world’s fastest horse. The mare covered a distance of a quarter mile (402 meters) on the race track at the speed of 43.96 mph (70.76 km/h). Not an official Guinness record, but nevertheless true: American Quarter horses can reach speeds of up to 49.7 kmph (80 km/h) on a distance of a quarter mile.

Keeping Thoroughbreds

Thoroughbreds Are Sensitive

Thoroughbreds have a slim and delicate body. They are a bit similar to the greyhounds among dog breeds. When giving their all on the race track they often overdo it and get injured when their body is exhausted. If they are frightened they sometimes try to escape head over heels, injuring themsevles when they are inside a horse trailer or not up to a new situation. Their sensitive legs are particularly at risk. Thoroughbreds can't be kept outdoors, because they are not robust enough.

Not Suitable for First-Timers

Thoroughbreds need experienced riders and owners, who know exactly how to treat them best. Special and competent care has to be taken of their legs. They also need an individually adapted diet.

Arabian Horse Photo: Tamara Diedenko/Shutterstock


Fun Facts

There is a difference between thoroughbred Arabians and Arabian horses. The latter have their roots in Arabia, but they are no full-fledged thoroughbreds.

The Most Important Thoroughbred Breeds Are: