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Holland Lop

Holland Lop Rabbit Pet Profile

Size Small
Weight 3-5 pounds (1.2-2 kg)
Fur Short, dense, soft
Maintenance Low
Personality Calm, friendly
Lifespan 5-8 years
Suitable for Beginners and experienced owners
Origin Netherlands
Indoor Yes
Outdoor Yes
Special characteristics Floppy ears
Similar breeds Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, Rex, Jersey Wooly

Holland Lop Photo: RUl8let/Shutterstock


How cute are THESE bunnies?! People are usually smitten after just one second with a Holland Lop! Their long, floppy ears are just too adorable. And when these animals start to hop around with their ears swooping funnily with them, all eyes are on them. When it comes to cuteness, only the Netherland Dwarf and Lionhead could dream of keeping up.

Holland Lop Ears

Sense of Hearing

Holland Lops - like all lop rabbits - have floppy ears. They grow to 8-11 inches (22-28 cm) long, ending shortly under the chin. As they cover up the inner ear, these animals aren’t so great at hearing, so aren’t as easily startled. Is this really a benefit for the animal? In nature, it’s very important to be able to spot any nearby hazards in time - so flight can lead to survival.


Sense of Sight

What’s more, these ears mean that the animals can’t see as much either. They don’t see much to their left and right, as their ears are in the way. You can try to see how this feels for yourself. Hold your hands to the left and right of your eyes and walk through your house or apartment (be careful!). Different, huh? In the first 4-6 weeks of their life, these bunnies’ ears stand straight up as they’re still very small and light.

Holland Lop Photo: Trum Ronnarong/Shutterstock


Holland Lops aren’t just among the most popular rabbits in the world because of their cute looks. They have very friendly, approachable, trusting, sociable and even-tempered characters. This makes them really stand out from Netherland Dwarves, who tend to be more fearful and easily startled. But they’re also much calmer than the Netherland Dwarf. To put it plainly, they’re a little bit lazy! So you should watch what you feed them, as they can easily get overweight, which isn’t healthy for them at all.

Health and Care

The Holland Lop’s short coat is easy to care for. But you should pay particularly careful attention to their ears. These must be regularly checked as infections can quickly spread, causing the animals serious pain. They also need carefully chosen, balanced food so they don’t get fat, and so that their sensitive digestion systems aren’t stressed too much.



The most obvious feature of any Holland Lop is its long ears.



The dense coat is around one inch (2.5 cm) long and has a lovely sheen.


Their bodies are short and stocky.


The back of the head is round, while the forehead and snout are broad.


There are more than 40 recognized colors for Holland Lops, so let’s look at a few: agouti, chinchilla, black, white, lilac, beige, steel, orange, red, cream, brown, tortoiseshell. These rabbits may also have coats with two or more colors.

Holland Lop Photo: artemisphoto/Shutterstock

History and Origin


The Holland Lop comes from the Netherlands, and is a cross between the French Lop, the Netherland Dwarf and the English Lop. It has been a recognized breed in the USA since 1979.

Cruel Breeding

Lop rabbits are considered as animal cruelty. They were bred to have drooping ears instead of standing up. Admitted, this looks incredibly cute! When their ears swing sweetly with every hop, our hearts do somersaults. But what does this mean for the animals? They suffer because they have poor hearing and poor vision. Also, they often have ear infections due to poor ventilation.

Imagine if you had to wear thick, wooly earmuffs your whole life—and couldn't take them off for a day. You are sweating all the time. Dirt collects in your ears, making them itchy all the time. You can't hear the people around you very well. And you get scared every time someone suddenly stands behind you. Would you want that?

If you love rabbits, please consider carefully whether it must be a lop rabbit. It doesn' matter if you get it from a reputable breeder or a dodgy home breeder. You're not "saving" it. It's the other way around. With every purchase you support that more lops are bred. Think twice: There are so many other wonderful, "normal" breeds of rabbits!

Fun Facts

Holland Lops are not the only lops: there are also French Lops, English Lops, Meissner Lops and German Lops. One has particularly long ears at 31 inches (79 cm), even making it into the Guinness Book of World Records!