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Axolotl Facts

Size 9-11 in (23-28 cm)
Speed Unknown
Weight 2-7 oz (60-200 g)
Lifespan 10-20 years
Food Worms, crabs, fish
Predators Birds, fishes
Habitat Mexico
Class Amphibians
Order Salamanders
Family Mole salamanders
Scientific name Ambystoma mexicanum
Characteristics Feather-like gill rakers

Main Characteristics

Looking at an Axolotl, you do not know exactly what to say. “Oh, isn't it sweet!” or “Ugh, creepy!”? The axolotl resembles a monstrously over-sized tadpole, but it actually is a nocturnal salamander. Salamanders, like frogs and gymnophiona, are amphibians. We generally know the white to pink colored axolotl with pink gill rakers, which actually is the albino variant (albinos lack color pigments). Its natural color is more of a dark gray or brown.

Axolotl Axolotl - Photo: Henner Damke/


Where Does the Name Come From?

Axolotl is an Aztec word. "Atl" means "water" and "xolotl" is the name of an Aztec god and can also mean "monster". So you could translate its name as “water monster”. Some people pronounce it like “aksolotol”, while others say “asholotol”.


Where Does the Animal Come From?

Axolotls can only be found in the Xochimilco lake, the Chalco lake, and in some waters around Mexico City – apart from home aquariums all over the world. They love cool, oxygen-rich water.

Axolotl Axolotl - Photo: Jeffrey Lagmay/Shutterstock

Life Style

The Axolotl Remains a Larva Throughout Its Life

Even though the axolotl is growing during its entire life, it always remains a larva due to its thyroid gland. This organ normally produces hormones (neurotransmitters), but it doesn’t work properly. It particularly lacks the hormone that would help the animal to develop into an adult salamander. If an axolotl gets artificially supplied with the hormone, it will actually transform. But it will often only live for four to five years. As a larva, it can live to be up to 20 years old.

Senses and Abilities

They Can Grow Back Limbs and Organs

We know that crabs can regrow body parts. But the axolotl can regrow more than just limbs. It can completely regrow whole and functional organs and even parts of its brain. How does it do this? Scientists would love to know, and are busy trying to find out.


In their natural habitat, axolotls reproduce in the spring. The female lays between 80 and 800 eggs on the leaves of underwater plants. They hatch after 15-20 days.


Axolotls as Pets

Is that possible? Yes! Our pet section provides a detailed pet profile for the Axolotl!

Axolotl Axolotl - Photo: Philipp Hapke/Shutterstock

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