Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Facts
Size | 35-47 inches (90-120 cm) |
Speed | Up to 15 mph (24 km/h) (in water) |
Weight | 298 pounds (135 kg) |
Lifespan | 50-60 years |
Food | Crabs, jellyfish, urchins, seaweed, cephalopods |
Predators | Birds, crabs (only juveniles) |
Habitat | Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans |
Class | Reptiles |
Order | Turtles |
Family | Sea turtles |
Scientific name | Caretta caretta |
Characteristics | Most common sea turtle, large head |
Main Characteristics
The loggerhead turtle is a sea turtle. It is the most widespread and also the most common. Nevertheless, it is considered an endangered species.
The loggerhead turtle is one out of seven sea turtle species. These include: the Atlantic green sea turtle, the Pacific green turtle, the hawksbill turtle, the flatback sea turtle, the Kemp's ridley turtle, the Olive ridley sea turtle and the loggerhead sea turtle.
Distribution and Habitat
Loggerhead turtles live in tropical and subtropical seas worldwide. It is the most widespread of all species. Most of their time they live in shallow coastal waters. During their migrations they spend a lot of time in the open sea. The loggerhead and green sea turtles are the only species that also live and breed in the Mediterranean.
Life Style
Loggerhead sea turtles are diurnal solitary animals. They swim thousands of miles through the oceans. Yet, they always make their way back to the same beach for mating after 15-20 years since their birth.
Anatomy and Appearance
Size and Weight
An adult loggerhead sea turtle typically weighs around 298 pounds (135 kg). Its shell is 35-47 inches (90-120 cm) in length. The largest weighed more than 1,200 pounds (545 kg) and had a shell length of 82 inches (213 cm). The green sea turtle is usually slightly larger but weighs slightly less. However, the two species are definitely the largest turtles with a hard shell.
The loggerhead turtle has a particularly large head.
The loggerhead sea turtle is the only sea turtle that has five central scutes and five side scutes (= plates). Depending on the age of the animals, their scutes have protruding edges and appear to overlap.
The loggerhead turtle is an omnivore. It feeds on sponges, corals, anemones, starfish and jellyfish.
Senses and Abilities
In 1996, a loggerhead turtle named Adelita traveled a distance of more than 9,000 miles (14,500 km) from Mexico to Hawaii to Japan. It was the first time the route of an animal across an entire ocean has been tracked by means of an electronic transmitter. The turtle swam at a speed of about one mile per hour (1.6 km/h) and it took her nearly a year to cover the distance.
Magnetic Sense
Loggerhead sea turtles have a kind of "magnetic map” in their heads. This helps them to never get lost and always find the way back to their place of birth.
Life Expectancy
Loggerhead turtles live to be 50-60 years old.
Enemies and Threats
The loggerhead sea turtle has hardly any natural enemies. People are the biggest threat to loggerhead turtles.
They are hunted for their meat, their eggs are sold as delicacies, and their fat is used in expensive cosmetics or shady medicines. Their shells are used for jewelry. The material is called "tortoise shell".
Pollution and Climate Change
They eat plastic that floats in the sea because they mistake it for food and die from it as a result. Due to climate change and higher temperatures, more and more females are developing - there are hardly any males hatching.
However, the greatest danger comes from fishermen. The greatest danger comes from fishermen. When they cast their nets to catch fish, many turtles get entangled in them and drown miserably.
How Many Loggerhead Turtles Are Left?
The loggerhead sea turtle is an endangered species. There are only 40,000-50,000 animals left.
You Can Help Sea Turtles
Eat Less Fish
There is a very simple way to protect sea turtles: eat less fish. If we humans buy fish less often, fewer fishing boats will sail to the sea and fewer fishing nets will be cast. This has a positive impact on the entire underwater ecosystem, as many seas are already depleted due to overfishing. What do you think about it? Talk to your family and friends about it and ask them what they think.
Snorkeling and Diving
If you see a sea turtle in the water while on vacation - for example while snorkeling or diving - keep your distance. The animals are terribly stressed by all the people who enter their „home“, follow them with underwater cameras and try to touch them.
If you see people on the beach throwing small hooks on fishing lines into the water, have a friendly chat with them. Unfortunately, it is very common for turtles to swallow them and die.
Importance for the Ecosystem
Loggerhead sea turtles play a crucial role in preserving the ecosystem of coral reefs by controlling the population of sponges, jellyfish, and other invertebrates. They also eat seaweed, encouraging it to grow and thrive. They are like gardeners who take care of hedges and shrubs by trimming them from time to time.
Loggerhead turtles mate in the water. They circle each other until the female agrees. The female then swims to the beach where she was born to lay her eggs.
The female digs a hole in the sand with its fins and lays about 110-200 eggs in it. They just measure approximately 1.5 inches (4 cm).
Sand Temperature
If the sand temperature is below 82,4 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius), male offspring develop. Above 81,8 degrees Fahrenheit (31 degrees Celsius) there are females hatching. In between, they can become female or male. Most of the time the temperature is between 28 and 31 degrees Celsius, so that a healthy mix sees the light of day. But due to the climate change, more females and less males hatch.
After 45-70 days, the turtles hatch. It happens during the night, because at this time of the day less enemies are around. Once they manage to break free from their shells, they wander off into the sea. They rely on the moon to guide them in the correct direction. Its light gets reflected in the water. The little turtles simply run towards it.
Fun Facts
How to Tell a Loggerhead From a Hawksbill
Loggerhead sea turtles have five pairs of vertebral scutes, while hawksbill sea turtles have only four of them.
The Loggerhead Sea Turtle Is Related To:
- Flatback Sea Turtle
- Green Sea Turtle
- Hawksbill Sea Turtle
- Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Animals in the Same Biome:
- Boxfish
- Crab
- Fried Egg Jellyfish
- Frigatebird
- Moray Eel
- Orca
- Octopus
- Parrotfish
- Portuguese Man O’ War
- Seal
- Sea Urchin
- Seagull
- Shark
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