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Upload your pet video!

You made a great video starring your pet? You would like to show it to your friends? Surely they want to see it! On the german video platform juki (part of you can upload your videos. There they are safe and there are only age-appropriate videos for children!

What is juki?

juki means fun and learning for children aged 8 to 12. You can watch age-appropriate videos and of course you can upload your own contributions. On juki you can show how you see the world and what is most important to you. You can tell stories the way you want them, for example by creating your own animated cartoon in the animation studio. On juki you also learn how to deal creatively and safely with the camera and of course the internet.

Take me to juki!
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jukijuki - Photo: juki website

Parent's Info

juki is a pedagogically supervised children's video platform that is run by the German Children's Fund. The project was initiated in 2013 by the German Children's Fund, the Voluntary Self-Control Television, the Voluntary Self-Monitoring Multimedia Service Providers and Google.

On juki children find various rallyes and challenges dealing with internet security, for example. Additionally, they can test and expand their knowledge about specific internet-related topics at so-called checkpoints. An extensive encyclopedia explains unknown words and concepts and invites children to actively participate.

Furthermore, children learn how to responsibly create their own profile in an Internet community, or what they should know when creating their own video.


Pupils are welcome to use this information at school for animal profiles, fact sheets, essays, work sheets, presentations, posters or homework. All information appearing on this site has been precisely and thoroughly researched, nevertheless should you notice any errors, please do notify us via email.

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