Pet Names That Start With A
Pet Names from A to Z:
Here are the best pet names starting with the letter A!
On, you can find over 1,200 pet names! All names are organized by letter, and their meanings are provided alongside, along with our suggestions for whether they are more suitable for females or males. If a name has no designation, it is considered neutral and can be used for any gender.
The top 10 most beautiful pet names beginning with A are Abby, Aimee, Aladin, Amber, Andy, Aiden, Alpha, Amanda, Amigo, and Angel. Here’s a list of more ideas:
Pet Names Beginning With A
- Aaliyah ♀️ = Rising, ascending
- Aaron
- Abacus
- Abby ♀️ = Joy (Hebrew)
- Abbygale ♀️
- Abraxas ♂️
- Ace
- Adagio ♂️
- Adam
- Addison ♂️
- Adele
- Admiral ♂️
- Aero
- Afra ♀️ = Colors of soil (Arabian)
- Agnes
- Aida ♀️ = Moonlight
- Aiden = Small fire (Irish)
- Aik ♂️
- Aika ♀️
- Aiko = Love child (Japanese)
- Aila ♀️
- Aileen ♀️
- Aimee ♀️
- Aisha ♀️ = Lively, life-loving (Arabian)
- Ajax ♂️
- Akamaru ♂️
- Akane ♀️ = Red (Japanese)
- Akela ♀️ = Noble, elegant
- Akina ♀️
- Akira ♀️ = Clear, bright
- Al
- Alabaster
- Aladdin ♂️
- Alani ♀️ = Orange (Hawaiian)
- Alara ♀️
- Alaska ♀️ = Land towards which the sea flows
- Alba ♀️
- Albatros
- Albert ♂️
- Alberto ♂️
- Alef ♂️
- Alenka ♀️
- Aleph ♂️
- Alex ♂️ = Protecting (Greek)
- Alexa ♀️
- Alexandra
- Alexis ♂️ = Protecting (Greek)
- Alf ♂️
- Alfi ♂️
- Alfie
- Alfonso ♂️ = Noble, elegant
- Alfred
- Ali Baba ♂️
- Alice ♀️ = Of noble form
- Alicia ♀️
- Alina ♀️ = Healing (Romanian)
- Allegra ♀️
- Ally
- Alma ♀️ = Soul (Spanish)
- Almond
- Alpha
- Altan ♂️ = Red Dawn (Turkish)
- Alvin ♂️ (from Alvin and the Chipmunks)
- Amadeus = The one who loves god (Latin)
- Amalia ♀️
- Amanda ♀️
- Amarelo ♂️ = Yellow (Portuguese)
- Amaretto ♂️
- Amata ♀️ = The loved one (Latin)
- Amazon
- Amber ♀️
- Amelia
- Amelie ♀️ = Brave, vigorous (French)
- Amica ♀️ = Friend (Spanish)
- Amigo ♂️ = Friend (Spanish)
- Amina ♀️ = Secret-keeper, princess
- Amira ♀️ = Queen, Souvereign
- Amor ♂️
- Amy ♀️ = The loved one (Latin)
- Anakin ♂️ = Giant (Hewbrew); warrior (Sanskrit)
- Andre
- Anduru ♂️ (A type of bird) (Singhalese)
- Andy ♂️
- Anela ♀️ = Angel (Arabian)
- Angel
- Angelino ♂️
- Angelito ♂️
- Angelo ♂️ = Angel (Latin)
- Angie ♀️
- Angora
- Angus ♂️ = Only option (Irish)
- Anju ♀️
- Anka ♀️
- Anklet
- Anna ♀️
- Annabelle
- Annie ♀️
- Annika ♀️
- Anton ♂️
- Antonia ♀️
- Anubis ♂️
- Anuket ♀️ (Goddess of Nile flood)
- Anuschka ♀️
- Aphrodite ♀️
- Apollo ♂️ = God of music
- Apple ♀️
- Apricot
- April ♀️
- Arabella ♀️ = Arabian beauty (Spanish)
- Aragog
- Aragorn ♂️
- Arak ♂️
- Aramis ♂️ = One of the three musketeers
- Arcanine
- Archer
- Archie ♂️ = Truly courageous
- Archimedes ♂️
- Arco ♂️
- Arctica ♀️
- Ares ♂️ = Greek god of war
- Ariel ♀️
- Ariela ♀️
- Aries
- Arik ♂️
- Aristoteles ♂️
- Arkani ♂️
- Arko ♂️
- Armani
- Armie
- Arrow
- Artax ♂️
- Artemis ♂️ = Goddess of the hunt
- Arthur
- Arturo
- Aruna ♀️ = Red (Sanskrit)
- Arwen ♀️ = Royal girl
- Arya
- Arya ♀️
- Asgard
- Ash
- Asha
- Ashanti
- Ashley
- Asimov ♂️
- Askana ♀️
- Aslan ♂️ = Lion (Turkish)
- Asmodeus ♂️
- Asta ♀️
- Asterix ♂️
- Astrid
- Astro ♂️
- Atari
- Athena ♀️ = Greek goddess
- Atlas ♂️ = Titan in Greek mythology
- Atreju ♂️ = Son of all
- Atticus ♂️
- Attila ♂️ = Father (Hungarian)
- Audie
- Audrey
- August ♂️
- Aura ♀️
- Aurora ♀️ = Dawn
- Austin
- Autumn
- Ava ♀️
- Averell
- Axel
- Ayla ♀️
- Ayse ♀️
- Aysha ♀️
- Ayumi ♀️ = Who goes her way (Japanese)
- Azahara ♀️ = Orange blossom (Japanese)
- Azhar ♂️ = Orange blossom (Arabian)
- Aziza ♀️ = Precious (Arabian)
- Azrael ♂️
- Azula ♀️
- Azura ♀️ = Blue (Latin)