Pet Names That Start With B
Pet Names from A to Z:
Here are some lovely pet names that start with the letter B!
Names like Bommel and Boomer have a soft sound, while others like Bandit and Boxer bring a sense of adventure. Which name catches your attention? Isn’t it interesting how we sometimes just stop at a name that feels right?
The top 10 most charming pet names beginning with B are Baloo, Beauty, Bella, Billy, Blackie, Blanca, Bonita, Brownie, Buddy, and Butch. Here’s a list with even more suggestions:
Pet Names Beginning With B
- Baba Ganoush (Arabian delicacy made from eggplant)
- Babe
- Babsi ♀️
- Baby
- Bacon
- Bagel
- Bagheera ♂️ = Black Panther from The Jungle Book
- Bailey ♂️
- Baker
- Balisto ♂️
- Ballerina ♀️
- Baloo ♂️ = Bear from The Jungle Book
- Balto ♂️
- Bam Bam
- Bambi ♀️
- Bambina ♀️ = Little Girl (Italian)
- Bambolina ♀️ = Little Girl (Italian)
- Banana
- Bandit ♂️
- Barbarossa ♂️
- Barbie
- Barkley
- Barley
- Barney ♂️
- Barry ♂️
- Bart ♂️
- Basil ♂️
- Bastet ♀️ (Cat goddess)
- Batman ♂️
- Baxter ♂️
- Baz
- Beamer
- Bean
- Beanie
- Bear
- Beast
- Beau
- Beautiful
- Beauty ♀️
- Bebe
- Becca
- Beckham
- Becky ♀️
- Bee
- Beethoven ♂️
- Beetlejuice
- Belcanto ♀️
- Believe
- Belinda ♀️ = Smooth, soft (Latin)
- Bell
- Bella ♀️ = Beautiful (Latin)
- Belle ♀️ = Beautiful (French)
- Ben ♂️
- Benita ♀️ = Blessed (Spanish)
- Benja ♀️ (Raya)
- Benjamin
- Benji ♂️
- Bennett
- Benny ♂️
- Bernard ♂️
- Bernie ♂️
- Bernoulli ♂️
- Berry
- Bert
- Bessie ♀️
- Betsy
- Betty ♀️
- Beverly ♀️
- Bianca ♀️
- Bibi
- Bibo (German name for Big Bird from The Muppet Show)
- Bienchen ♀️ = Small bee (German)
- Big Mac
- Biggie
- Bijou
- Bilbo ♂️
- Billy
- Bimelimelim = Ringringring (German)
- Bingo
- Binky
- Bino ♂️
- Birdie
- Birdy
- Biscuit
- Bishop
- Bit
- Bitsy
- Black Beauty
- Black Jack = Card game
- Blackbeard ♂️ (Famous pirate)
- Blacky
- Blade
- Blair
- Blake
- Blanca ♀️ = White (Latin)
- Blanche
- Blanco ♂️ = White (Latin)
- Blaster
- Blaukraut = Red cabbage (German)
- Blaze
- Blinky
- Blister
- Blitz = Flash, lightning (German)
- Blizzard
- Blob
- Blondie
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blue ♂️
- Blueberry
- Blümchen ♀️ = Little flower (German)
- Bo
- Bo ♂
- Bob / Bobby
- Bob ♂
- Bobbles
- Bobby
- Bocelli ♂
- Bodhi
- Bogart
- Bogey
- Boing
- Boje = Buoy (German)
- Bolle ♂️ = Large Onion (Old German)
- Bolt ♂️
- Bommel = Bobble (German)
- Bones
- Bonfire
- Bongo
- Bonita ♀️ = Beautiful (Spanish)
- Bonnie
- Bonny ♀️
- Boo
- Booboo
- Boogie
- Booker
- Boomer ♂️
- Boone
- Boots
- Bootsie
- Bordeaux
- Boris
- Bosco
- Boss
- Boston
- Bottlebee
- Bouncer
- Bounty
- Bowie ♂️
- Bowser
- Boxer ♂️
- Bradley
- Brady
- Brain
- Brainiac
- Branca ♀️ = White (Spanish)
- Brandy
- Brauni = Brown (German)
- Braveheart
- Bravo
- Braxton
- Bree
- Breezy
- Brewster
- Brezel = Pretzel (German)
- Brian
- Bridget
- Briggs
- Brinkley
- Bristle
- Bristol
- Brock
- Brody
- Brokkoli = Broccoli (German)
- Brombi (Brombeere) = Blackberry (German)
- Bronco
- Bronson
- Bronx
- Brooke
- Brooklyn
- Brösel = Crumb (German)
- Brownie
- Bruce ♂️
- Bruin
- Bruiser
- Brummer = Whopper (German)
- Brummi = Truck (German)
- Bruno ♂️
- Brush
- Brutus ♂️
- Bubba
- Bubblegum
- Bubbles
- Buck
- Buckley
- Buddha
- Buddy ♂️
- Budgie
- Buffy
- Bug
- Bullet
- Bumblebee
- Bunny
- Burgundy
- Buster ♂️
- Butch ♂️
- Butterblume ♀️ = Buttercup (German)
- Buttercup ♀️
- Butterfinger
- Butterfly ♀️
- Butters
- Butterscotch
- Button
- Buyo
- Buzz (from Toy Story)
- Buzzy
- Byte